Access Keys:

Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham
We have a limited number of places in all year groups, contact the school office for more information on 0121 675 8700
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 Purple Mash
Our Purple Mash Page



Birmingham Local Offer
A wide range of services that are available to support all areas of a child's life (0-25 years)


Holly Hill Infant School's Church Connections
Here you will find links to two of our local churches. Both Ping Ting and Revd Jane Platt visit us regularly and
share collective worship with us. Please take a look at each of the church websites.

ICT games
Games to use on the computer

Letters and Sounds
Phonics activities and help with phonics

English activities


Phonics Bloom
Phonics resources and games

Space Simulation for Year 2

Services for Education
Links to some home-learning websites. The music ones are particularly great!

Sing up
Learn how to sing and keep the spirits up


St Leonard's Church Frankley
Our Local Church

Teach your Monster to read
An app and a website that is free to help children read


Tiny Happy People
Activities to do with your small child




30 Day Lego Bible Challenge
Do you love Lego? Why not try our 30 day Challenge? Be sure to upload photos of your creations to our Guestbook


Diddy Disciples
Listen to Bible stories and songs and join in with the actions!

Engage and Worship
Daily Prayer and Worship Activities

Get Creative!
Creative Arts Competition

Little Worship Company
Lots of songs and Bible stories to join in with!


Out of the Ark
Singing at home

The B Tales
Collective worship and Bible stories for children