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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

A super start to Summer Term in Fir Class...

11th Apr 2024

This week Fir Class have taking part in some amazing learning across the curriculum and have lived ‘Life in all its Fullness’. We have been focussing on non-fiction during our English lessons and have been writing facts about which animals lay eggs. We also made some predictions about what animals might have laid some colourful eggs – we tried our best to extend our sentences using the conjunction ‘because’.

In Science we had a hunt around the school grounds to see which plants we could identify using a tick-list – we found dandelions, daisies, blossom, nettles, ivy and much more. We also spotted some ‘deciduous’ trees that had lost their leaves over winter but now the leaves had started to grow back. We also looked to see the signs that spring has finally arrived. 

In PE we loved being able to go outside and have started practising our races for Sports Day. This week we learned the technique for the egg and spoon race.

Please enjoy the photos of our wonderful learning.