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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

A very autumnal nursery

26th Oct 2023

This week, Nursery have been ‘living life in all its fullness’ exploring nature. We have been making Autumn cakes, soups and ice-cream – talking about where the leaves have come from and enjoying watching them fall from the trees. The children have loved seeing how the trees in our outside area have changed over the week and had fun spotting different coloured leaves. Following on from learning about the Harvest Festival, Nursery have planted their very own cress heads! These will be coming home for the holidays and we look forward to hearing all about how the cress tasted!

Finally, well done Nursery. You have completed your first half term in school. We are very proud of how well you have settled in and the progress you are making. Enjoy your half term holiday and we will see you on Wednesday 8th November.