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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

A Very Merry Nursery Christmas!

17th Dec 2021

What a truly joyful week we have had!

The children in Nursery have had such a wonderful time learning about the celebration of Christmas as an important Christian festival. We discussed our story of the week 'Room for a little one' which is the story of Christmas told through the animals' words. It brought the Nativity story to life and offered the children a universal message about kindness to all creatures and the importance of the journey that was made to bring Jesus into our world in the stable that very night. The children then had a chance to dress up as characters from the Nativity and act out the story.

We then had our very first trip to visit the Mac to watch ‘One snowy night’ the children loved the coach trip and seeing their excitement, little smiles, cheers and laughter at the performance was just perfect!

We ended the week with a visit from Farther Christmas' Elf, playing, drinking milkshakes, having stories around the Christmas Tree in our pyjamas, making lots of lovely crafts to send home, dancing, eating, laughing and having lots of fun.

We are so proud of them as always!

Have a wonderful joyful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

Stay safe and here’s to seeing you all in 2022

Miss Tullett and Ms Bird x