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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

A wonderful week in Cedar

26th Mar 2021

We began the week learning about the importance of our value of Kindness. Boris the Robot helped us to think about how we can all be super friends. Boris says “Super friends include everybody.” Cedar class agreed and thought of other qualities a super friend has. 

A super friend is:

kind, gentle, honest, trustworthy, joyful, caring, loving.

A super friend:

listens, shares, takes turns, plays with me, helps me, makes me laugh.


The children applied these qualities in the provision, during learning time and snack time and when playing with their friends. 

In Re we learned why a church is special to Christians and our school. We also learned what happens in a church and enjoyed celebrating a christening. The children helped to baptise baby Annabelle. 

In Maths the children have been finding one less from a group of objects and learning to taking away. 

In English, the children have enjoyed the story; The Way Home For Wolf. They have used many reading strategies whilst sharing the text. Their predictions and inferences were incredible.