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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

A wonderful week in Nursery

28th Sep 2023

We have had another great week in Nursery as the children have continued to settle well and are starting to pick up their new routines. We are so proud of how quickly they are adapting to being at school! This week we have been working hard on looking after our provision. This means picking toys up off the floor, putting things away when we have finished with them and thinking about how we play with our toys. This is something you can work on at home by encouraging your child to put their things away when they have finished with them.

During carpet time we have been singing the number Nursery Rhymes ‘Five little ducks’, ‘Five little monkeys’ and ‘Five little men in a flying saucer’. Nursery have also been using showing off their 2D shape knowledge making different shape pictures. The children have made cars, houses, robots and faces! Well done Nursery, you really have been ‘living life in all its fullness’.