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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Animals, animals, animals!

13th Jul 2018

The children in Cedar Class have had a very busy week.

During Literacy the children have enjoyed reading the big book Dear Zoo. They recognised all of the tricky words we have been learning and were able to apply their phonic knowledge to read new words. They even recognised the adjacent consonants. The children discussed where the animals from the story live and their natural habitats. The children then worked together to make homes for them outside on the field. They also enjoyed building habitats with the blocks and different construction sets. 

During Maths this week the children have been learning about money. They have been paying for their own snack and working out the value of each coin. We read the story The Great Pet Sale. During child initiated play the children worked out ways of paying for the different animals. They also worked out how much the animals cost altogether. They used jottings and numicon to work out the answers. Some children confidently counted in 2s, 5s and 10s to add all of the amounts together.