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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Being Heartsmart!

20th Oct 2022

This week in Heartsmart Cedar class have been looking at Boris the Robot's story. They have been looking at facial expressions, actions and body language. While reading the story they looked at the different characters and how they were feeling. Our key questions were:

• How do you think the character feels?

• Can you demonstrate the character’s feelings?

• Why do you think the character might be feeling that way?

• How could you cheer up/help this character?  


The children gave some lovely responses. An example of this is Charlotte Zoi saying she would cheer Boris up by giving him a hug. Ivy recognised his emotions and said his face looks sad because his eyebrows are up. Lucas said that Boris looked happy at the end of the story because he was smiling.


  We learnt that Boris says, ‘When we notice our friends are feeling sad we can help to cheer them up.’ Cedar class have put this into action enabling them to live life in all its fullness.