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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Celebrating Reading in Fir Class...

6th Jun 2024
This week Fir have been enjoying 'Life in all its Fullness' by celebrating our reading successes. It has been so lovely to see that so many families have been enjoying sharing stories at home with their children. I have included a few examples to showcase some of the great work that has been happening at home! 

Just a reminder that children should bring their reading diary/book to school everyday. We change the school reading book each Friday. Before the book comes home to you, the children will have read the book with a grown ups a few times that week so they should be confident with the book. By the end of the following week, we hope that the child will become fluent. This is why they only have one book for the week. As they build their sight vocabulary, they will become a much more confident reader. You can also add in any other books that you are reading at home for pleasure. The children will receive a special certificate from Mr Carr in our Friday celebration assembly when they have completed a full reading diary.

I have included some photos above of some great reading diary examples and some posters that explain why reading at home is so important.

If you are finding it hard to read at home or you would like some tips on how to make your time more effective, please do come and see me.

Thank you so much to all of the families that are sharing stories and reading at home. This really does make such a difference to your child's confidence and progress!