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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Counting, counting, counting!

7th Feb 2018

During Math's this week Cedar class have been counting, counting and counting! We have enjoyed finding out about our favourite animals from our big book, The Little Red Hen.

We used Purple Mash to create another pictogram based on the animals in the story and the children set to work to find out which was their friend's favourite animal. 

We also logged on to Mini City and watched the video about the farm. We enjoyed playing the number games and counting the farm animals. We carefully counted the correct amount of animals to match the number the farmer was holding. We then shared the animals between the two pens. We used the language more and fewer to compare the amount of animals in the pen. Sometimes it wasn't fair because we couldn't share the animals equally. 

Mary, Tyler, Jasiah, Jarell and Luke took their learning outside and carried on counting! They recalled the numbers 1-5 and put them in order. After that they each chose a number and counted out the correct amount of animals, from a larger set, to match the numeral. They were such careful counters! 

The children enjoyed counting and sorting the different animals. They chose their favourite animal and tried to find all of them. Luke recognised that some were different sizes. He put them in order, biggest to smallest. 

Mary wanted to sort the animals so we used the wooden blocks to make pens and sorted the animals into groups. We then recorded how many animals were in each pen by drawing circles on the post it notes and then writing the number. Mary counted along the number line to find the number she needed. 

Inside, the children have been happily playing in the fruit and vegetable shop. They have enjoyed writing shopping lists and then visiting the shop to buy the items on their list. They have been learning to exchange money for goods. There are been some very expensive vegetables, may I add!  

The children have also been learning to take it in turns to be the customer and shop keeper.

Sophie wrote down the price of each item and worked out how much all of her shopping came to by adding all the prices together. We both made recordings to work out the answer.

As you can see, we have had a very busy week!