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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Down on the farm!

19th Jun 2018

We went to visit the farm one day and saw lots of animals along the way....

Cedar Class enjoyed a wonderful visit to Ash End House Farm.

The children got to meet lots of animals and their young. They fed the goats, ducks, sheep and gave a bottle to Monica the lamb. 

They showed our value for the week by being kind towards the animals, each other and members of the public. They also proved that our values are part of our every daily lives.

They were gentle when they held the chicks. They were patient when they waited for their turn. They were thankful to Farmer Ruth and showed respect to the farm and the people around them. They showed joy when feeding the animals and when the animals tickled them. They showed love towards the animals and each other. They looked after and helped each other and encouraged their friends to feed the animals. And they were tolerant of the wonderful smells the farm had to offer!

The children were amazing and behaved exceptionally. They were a credit to themselves, their families and Holly Hill. We were incredibly proud of them.