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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Elf in Evergreen!

14th Dec 2023
This week in Evergreen class we have been 'Living Life in all it's Fulness preparing for Christmas. We have had a new member in class called Twinkles our Christmas elf. He arrived in a gift box with a letter and a story book for us to share and has been very mischievous in class. He has been climbing the walls, joining in in our Christmas jumper day and making snowflakes and paper chains to decorate our class. We are all excited to see what he has planned for next week!
Last week year 2 went on a trip to perform our Christmas songs to the residents at The Oaks residential home. Both the children and residents had a wonderful time and we were so grateful for the kindness and generosity shown to us there. 
We are continuing to read our class book The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch by Tom Fletcher. We are enjoying the story and we look forward to see who the 'Christamsaurus' wants to sit with each day.
Next week we have lots to look forward to and are looking forward to continuing our Christmas celebrations.