Access Keys:

Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Fantastic Work in Nursery

16th Jun 2023

Our week in Nursery started with a surprise letter from a little girl called Emily who had a whale in her paddling pool! This reminded us of our focus story 'Dear Greenpeace'. The children enjoyed learning more about blue whales by watching a clip from 'Blue Planet' and looking through some non-fiction books. They have also been busy writing letters back to Emily and to friends or family, creating colourful whale pictures and building vehicles to transport the whale from Emily's garden to the ocean!

In phonics, we have been focusing on the sounds s, a, t and p. The children have been identifying words with these initial sounds and enjoying learning some tongue twisters. Our favourite is 'six silly sausages sizzling in a pan'. Each afternoon we have spent a short time in small groups playing listening games or talking about our favourite things using sentence starters. This is an excellent way to build turn-taking skills, listening skills and speaking out loud confidently. 

We have also been making our father's day cards, carefully creating the front of the cards and trying our hardest to write our names.  

It has been a fantastic week in Nursery, and we have loved spending so much time in our outside environment in the glorious sunshine, we have definitely been making the most of 'Life in all its Fullness'.

Have a wonderful weekend and see you next week.