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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham


20th Jun 2019

The children in Cedar Class were inspired  by the story The Selfish Giant, after taking part in the performance with the visiting theatre company. They were so engaged and couldn’t wait to include the story in their play.


The children made castles and used figures to act out the story and they drew pictures and made models to help them retell it. The children talked about their favourite part of the story and could explain why they liked it. 


After the performance strange things appeared in Cedar Class, we believed they belonged to a giant. Our thoughts were confirmed when we received a letter from the giant. He left us some magic beans to plant and asked us to help him with a bedtime routine and story. So the children made a list of instructions for the giant and wrote him the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. The giant loved the story and was so happy because it had helped him to get to sleep. He showed the children how thankful he was by leaving them another treat! 


The children have tried really hard improving their work this week. They have given each other constructive feedback and helped each other to improve their work. We have been thankful for every learning opportunity and thankful for the weather because it has helped our magic beanstalks to grow. We are wondering what will be at the top...