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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Harvest Assembly with Rev Pingting

26th Sep 2019

Rev Pingting from Northfield Methodist Church came in to school today to celebrate Harvest with us.  

We explored the words that can be made from the letters H,A,R,V,E,S,T and thought about their meanings.

Have - Harevst is a time when we have lots of crops to gather.

Eat- Harvest is a time when we have lots of fruit and vegetables to eat.

Rest- Harvest is a time to rest once the crops have been gathered. 

Starve - Harvest is a time to think about those who may not have enough food.

Share - Harvest is a time to share our food with those who are in need.

Save - Harvest is a time to save food for the winter months when the crops do not grow. 

Each year group sang a lovely Harvest song and we all joined in with ‘Conkers.’

Many thanks to Rev Pinting for a lovely service and to all of the families who came in to support us.