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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Harvest Celebration

20th Oct 2022

What a wonderful Harvest time it has been! 

This morning, we celebrated Harvest with a whole school assembly. We shared the food that has been donated and we talked about what harvest means, why it is celebrated and how it helps those in our community. We sang songs and shared our thoughts which has most certainly displayed 'Life in all its Fullness.'

We thought about our value this week of hope and we shared what we hope for relating to Harvest. 

Rev. Janes ended our Harvest celebration by blessing all of the wonderful food that has been donated. 

The donated food will go to NewStarts .This food will help so many people in the community. We thank all of you who have donated, this will mean so much for those in need. 

Dear God,
Thank you for the celebration of harvest.
Thank you for our food.
Thank you for the rain, the soil, the sun and the farmers who grow our crops.
Help us always to remember to say thank you.
Please help us always to think about the needs of others.