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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Maths in Evergreen

25th Jan 2024
This week in Evergreen class we have been 'Living Life in all it's Fullness' during our maths lessons. We are becoming super mathematicians by working on our oracy skills to explain and understand our reasoning skills within the subject. We have even found that by talking about what we know, we are then helping our friends to develop and extend their own thinking and learning. We have been working on our multiplication skills this week, practicing our 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables. This has also been explored within our 'big book' sessions this week as we have been reading the story One is a Snail and Ten is a Crab. At first we thought that it was too easy for us but soon discovered that we can use all of our learned knowledge of addition, subtraction and multiplication and think of our own problems or even think of questions to try to WOW our class mates! Keep practicing your times tables at home Evergreen as you are quickly becoming amazing mathematicians. Keep up the wonderful work!