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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Maths in the provision

10th Jul 2021

 The children in Cedar class have been busy applying their math’s skills in the provision, this week.

They have been doubling with numicon, solving their own problems, making repeating patterns, making shapes, sharing fruit in the dolls house, home-corner and play dough.  

As they were playing, they didn’t realise they were learning too! They learned how the butterflies wings are symmetrical and that they needed to use the same numicon shapes. As they worked out the doubling problems, they counted on from the first number to find the answer. 

In the home corner they were able to make sure the bowls had an equal amount of fruit in their fruit salad. They made sure it was fair by sharing. There was a slight problem, when they only had one apple but they decided that it could be cut in half. 

In the play dough they made their own fruit tarts, working out how many more they needed to complete the rows and columns in the tray. When they realised they didn’t have enough fruit to decorate, they used their problem solving skills and found Pom poms. 

In the small world play, the children built their own house with the blocks. They used the furniture to create rooms and then added the dolls to develop their play. They decided to give the people a snack and shared out the fruit. 

When playing with the farm animals, the children were sharing the animals between the two fields. We are looking forward to our visit next week. 

With the loose parts they made their own pictures in the frames, Amien used the sticks to make different shapes. Take a look and see if you can name the shapes she made.