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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Nursery music hero’s!

11th Mar 2022

Nursery have enjoyed remembering and singing YoYo songs this week. YoYo are well known for leading lots of fun, energetic and normally very catchy songs in primary schools! The children watch the videos of the actions and learn the lyrics to songs each week in our collective worship time. They really enjoy singing and dancing along to them! This week we had fun singing and doing the actions for the song ‘Let your light shine’.

Finally, they have been playing instruments with increasing control to express their feelings and ideas to make music for a superhero. We made the sounds fast and slow; loud and quiet and thought about how a superhero’s sudden blast of power or flying would sound, using links to our book Eliot Midnight Superhero.

Well done Nursery Superhero’s!

Miss Tullett and Ms Bird