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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Nursery News

14th Oct 2020

Nursery News

This week in Nursery…

This week in Nursery we listened to the poem ‘Lost’ by Michael Rosen.  We talked about how we may feel if ever we were lost.  We showed our emotions with facial expressions and we practised moving in different ways to show that we are happy or sad, angry, or excited.

We read the story of Zacchaeus and we learned that Jesus was a good friend to all and that his friendship helped Zacchaeus to become a good person.  We drew pictures of people that we liked to spend time with.

Following our school values we learned about respect and what that means for us.  We learned that we are all equal and that we must work as a team.

We have been practising counting by saying one number name for each object and we have practised showing our fingers to represent numbers.

We have been busy strengthening our muscles by rolling and patting playdough.

How you can help at home….

Read books together.  Talk about the pictures that you see.  Encourage your child to guess what may happen in the story.

Count everyday items around you.  Encourage your child to touch an item and say one number name for each item. Ask them to show you the same number of fingers.

Encourage your child to help with household chores – this will help them to understand the importance of working as a team.  Using spray bottles and sponges will also help to develop the muscles that we need to write.

Encourage your child to draw pictures and ask them to tell you what they have drawn.

Let’s celebrate together….

We know that your child is amazing.  When your child does something amazing at home please share this with us by writing on the star that your child brings home from Nursery.  This can be something like getting dressed by themselves, tidying up their toys, being kind to somebody, counting out objects and so on. We can then share your child’s achievement with the class, and the stars will be put in the learning journal for your child.

Thank you,

Nursery Team