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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Nursery News...

9th Nov 2023

This week in Nursery we have been thinking about ‘Remembrance Day’ and how it is important to remember those who have protected us. We made a beautiful poppy wreath using our hand prints and some children took part in the whole school remembrance service where they laid the wreath in the prayer garden.

As always, Nursery have been ‘living life in all its fullness’ in the outside environment. We enjoyed playing with the autumn leaves, especially when we threw handfuls in the air! We also used chalk to draw around ourselves, create buses with lots of people on and drew happy faces!  On Thursday some of the children went on a ‘Dinosaur hunt’ where they had to go up the grassy mountain, through the dark tunnel and along the rickety walkway! The children loved telling the story and enjoyed repeating the lines ‘we’re going to find a big one’ and ‘we’re not scared’. Well done Nursery!