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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Nursery News

2nd Oct 2020


This week in Nursery….

This week in Nursery we read ‘The Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell.  We talked about the story and how the baby owls may be feeling when they thought their mommy was not coming back.  We painted pictures of owls, and we counted owls and sorted owls into size order.

Following our school values we learned about hope and what that means for us.  We spoke about the things that we like to do and the places that we like to go to.  We drew a picture of our favourite thing to do and we spoke about the marks that we made.

We have been busy strengthening our muscles by doing high movements, low movements, and side to side movements.

We listened carefully to different sounds and guessed what the sounds could be.

How you can help at home….

Read books together.  Talk about the pictures that you see.  Encourage your child to guess what may happen in the story.

Count everyday items around you.  Encourage your child to touch an item and say one number name for each item.

Talk about the large things and the small things that you see around you.

Encourage your child to draw pictures and ask them to tell you what they have drawn.

Listen to the sounds that you can hear when you are out and about – can you hear cars, an aeroplane, a dog barking?