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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Online Phonics Lessons for Letters and Sounds

24th Apr 2020

We are pleased to announce, from Monday 27 April, online phonics lessons are available from Letters and Sounds for home and school

Written and presented by phonics experts and funded by the Department for Education, the online lessons are designed to cover new phonics teaching that children would have received over the summer term had they been in school.

If you have any questions about phonics please email your class teacher via the new class emails.

As with all online content, parents and carers are advised to supervise their child’s use of the
internet. Further guidance and support on the use of online materials can be accessed from
websites such as ParentInfo and

We hope you will find the new phonics lessons useful to support your child’s learning during this
unprecedented time.


To access these lessons please click on the link below.