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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham
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P.E in Maple

14th Mar 2024
This week we have continued our work in changing pace and direction. 

Our warm up game was called bridges. It is a bit like stuck in the mud, but when you get tagged you have to make a bridge. The only way to get back into the game is if a friend taps you on the foot or hand to release you. This was lots of fun. Next we played a relay 'chick' game. We split into small groups and each had a 'nest' (a hula hoop) we then numbered ourselves 1,2 or 3, when our number was called we had to collect a 'chick' (a beanbag or a quoit) and bring it safely back to the nest. Although when we had rescued all of the chicks from the middle we could 'steal' a chick from another nest. This was so much fun and a great way to 'Live Life in all it's Fullness.' The winner was the team with the most chicks at the end.