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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Phonics fun!

13th Jan 2022

This term in phonics we are looking at Letters and Sounds - Phase 1 – Aspect 4. Rhythm and Rhyme.

We’ve had a lovely time this week experimenting with lots of activities that promote rhythm and rhyme. First, we played silly rhyming soup – where we all sat in a circle so the children could see a selection of rhyming objects (e.g. rat, hat, cat, bat) placed in a bowl.  I then used the bowl and a spoon as props to act out the silly song.

I’m making lots of silly soup

I’m making soup that’s silly

I’m going to cook it in the fridge

To make it nice and chilly

I then Invited the children, in turn, to stir the soup and to take out an object, show the other children and place it on the floor. After each turn we would discuss the words to see if they rhymed.

Next, we had a go at rhyming pairs using pictures of objects with names that rhyme. The children took it in turns to turn two cards over and keep them if the pictures were a rhyming pair. If they were not a rhyming pair, the cards were turned face down again and then another child had a turn. We spent time looking at the pictures and talking about the pairs.

Lastly, we experimented with rhythm. After reading the story ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ I re-read it but added in the rhythm tapping my legs as I spoke. I then asked the children “what did I do?” And they all had a go at joining in with me tapping their legs as I re-read the story. We then finished with an interactive game of Old McDonald had a farm. 

Our little rhythm and rhyme superstars!

Ms Tullett, Ms Bird and Mrs McCabe.