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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

RE - Our value of tolerance

27th Jan 2022

This week’s value is tolerance and we have been thinking carefully about how we are able to demonstrate an understanding of tolerance through our words or actions.  We worked hard to think about how we can be tolerant of others, understand other people’s differences during our time at school and in the community.

We discussed treating those how “you” wish to be treated and listened to a lovely story called ‘My friend Isabelle’ by Eliza Woloson. A heart warming story of two friends, Charlie and Isabelle. Charlie tells the story about the things they both like to do together, and also how he and Isabelle are different. It encouraged the nursery children to think about what makes friendships special and how our differences can make the world more interesting.

Finally, we sang some songs and coloured in a special handprint, all in our own ways, all very different, but all just as amazing!  

Well done Nursery!

Miss Tullett and Ms Bird