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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Seed sorting in Maple

18th Apr 2024

In Science we began today's learning by recapping what we had already learned about plants so far. We remembered what a plant needs to grow and named the different parts of the plants and their functions. Next, we remembered the names of some plants and trees.  Then we looked at different seeds with a magnifying glass to see if we could match them to the images. We then chose some adjectives to describe the seed.

After lots of discussion we were able to match the seed to the correct plant and were quite surprised at what we found out! We expected the smaller seed to produce the smaller plant but found that this wasn’t always the case. We have been shocked to learn that some foods that we thought are a vegetable are actually fruits because they have seeds. Peas, sweetcorn, tomatoes, cucumber, and butternut squash are all fruits. 

We have loved investigating the seeds this week and 'Living Life in all its Fullness.'

This is our last lesson on Plants and next week we will start to look at materials.