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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

The 14th Dalai Lama and Our Wonderful World

9th Feb 2023

This half term we have been living life in all its fullness by learning all about the amazing Dalai Lama. We have been thinking about the way he cares about the world we live in and how he teaches kindness to everyone he can.

We have also been considering what our favourite things are about our world, from volcanoes to axolotls and butterflies!

We have now started to deepen our thinking by learning more about pollution and the harm it does to animals and places in our world. We have also started thinking about the different ways we can help, like recycling and picking up litter. We want to continue to live life in all its fullness, and that means looking after the world we live in! We can also learn from another Holly Hill Courageous Advocate, Sir David Attenborough, and his message about plastic pollution. Take a look!