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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

We love Maths!

2nd Oct 2019

In year two this week, we have been securing our knowledge of number facts. We have been counting forwards and backwards in different ways including in 2's, 5's, 10's and 3's. We have been linking our counting skills to our times tables and look forward to practising our times tables even more using our in school computer program 'Times Tables Rock Stars'. The children are getting really good at recalling facts such as number bonds, doubles and the number of tens and ones in a number. We will now use these skills to help us with our calculations. Here is a quick game to help you practise your number facts: Can you guess my number from the clues? I am an odd number. I have 2 digits. I am greater than 50. I am in the 5 times table. My first digit is an even number. What numbers can it be? What can't it be? Why?