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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Who's that trip trapping over Cedar Class' bridge?

5th Jul 2018

Cedar class have been enjoying learning so many things using the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff this week.

They have built their own bridges; thinking of ways to improve them to make them strong enough for the Goats to cross the river safely.

They have learned to calculate change when the goats needed to cross the Troll's Toll Bridge.

They have learned to use musical instruments to retell the story.

They have learned to use their creative skills to make their own Trolls and to make puppets to act out the story.

This afternoon we took all of our puppets outside. We sat under a big, shady tree and enjoyed the cool breeze. Some children found sticks to represent the big, middle-sized and little Billy Goats and the troll. We used them to retell the story.

What at a lot of fun and fantastic learning we've been doing!