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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham
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Wonderful Writing in Fir Class...

22nd Feb 2024
This week Fir class have been enjoying 'Life in all its Fullness' with our amazing writing skills. Mrs Smith has been so impressed with our progress over the last half term. This week we have been learning all about lifecycle of a butterfly. We have read a text to find and learn some new and interesting words like 'metamorphosis' and 'emerge'. We then looked at the pictures of the lifecycle to create our own noun phrases, this is when you use an adjective to describe a noun. For example, 'the tiny eggs', 'the hairy caterpillar', 'the long chrysalis' and 'the colourful butterfly'. Today we used all of our learning from the week to write some amazing sentences. Look at the photos below to see some examples of our wonderful writing. 

We have also started our new science topic of plants. We enjoyed observing and comparing a range of different plants to see how they are the same and different. We also started to learn some new words to describe plants like 'roots' and 'stem'. Have a look at some photos below to see us being nature detectives.