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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Writing in Nursery

23rd Mar 2023

This week there has been a writing workshop for Nursery parents. Thank you to those parents who came. For those unable to come, there are some photos below of some of the activities and information shared.

We began by looking at the correct letter formation for the children's first names. It is very important to establish good habits from an early age by starting letters in the right place and following the correct formation. One of the first things we learn when writing is that print in English goes from left to right and top to bottom. This is naturally closely linked to reading. 

As Early Years learners experiencing 'Life in all its Fullness,' the children enjoy many fun activities to strengthen their fingers in preparation for writing. Each week the children have a 'dough disco' and 'pen disco' session related to the text we are reading as a class. To further develop these fine motor skills, there are daily 'funky fingers' activities such as the nuts and bolts shown in the photo.

We are very lucky in Nursery to have a wide range of mark making materials from pencils, crayons, felt tips, paint, chalk and pens. All of these different materials are offered to encourage the children to have a go, make mistakes, doodle and experiment with making different marks. This will develop confidence and stamina for writing. During their time at Nursery the children explore different purposes for writing such as lists, letters, stories, recipes and labels.