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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Year Two’s trip to the Botanical Gardens

10th May 2019

On Wednesday, Year Two had a fabulous time exploring at the Botanical Gardens in Edgbaston, Birmingham. 

Ruth taught us more about the plants and trees that grow in the Rainforest and how we use them in everyday life.  

We were able to handle real seeds - some grow larger than a human head!  

We met a giant African land snail called Brian and, if we were feeling brave, had the opportunity to hold corn snakes and a chameleon. 

Even though it was raining, we enjoyed looking around the grounds and spotting different birds. The beautiful peacocks were stunning! 

In the hothouse, we were able to look at more plants that grow in the Rainforest and fed the Koi carp in the pond. 

It was a great day that taught us lots about different environments and how species are able to adapt to life there.