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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Zooming to the Moon!

10th Feb 2022

Our topic this term has been ‘We are Adventurers’ and over the last two weeks we have been reading some amazing books including ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy and the ‘Zim Zam Zoom’ poetry collection all focussing on going to the moon!

The children have been fascinated by pictures of the moon and the planets. We talked about how we would get to the moon, the journey, what they think the moon would be like, would it look like earth where we live? and what might they see there. The children also had fun role playing pretending to be baby bear from  ‘Whatever Next’ zooming off to the moon in a cardboard box!

We even did a craters on the Moon experiment, where we showed the children the pictures of the moon and all its dark craters. We explained that they are made when rocks crash into the moon. We then mixed some cornflour and baby oil in a big bowl and smoothed it out to make a level surface so they could make their own craters. Finally, the children stood by the box and dropped the pebbles into the flour one by one observing what happens to the flour and the holes that were made.

A zooming week Nursery!

Miss Tullett and Ms Bird