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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham
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News - Year Two

2021/2022 School Year

13th Jul 2022
Today we have taken part in Sports Day.  It has been amazing and it has...
7th Jul 2022
What a double treat we have had this week in Year 2.  In preparation for...
30th Jun 2022
Over the past few weeks, we have been finding out about the different planets in...
24th Jun 2022
In Year 2, phase 6 phonics is based around spelling rules. Part of this involves...
23rd Jun 2022
Following 'Life in all its Fullness,' in phonics this week, we have been having...
16th Jun 2022
At Holly Hill, we experience life in all its fullness by enjoying learning about...
10th Jun 2022
Beech class are fabulous readers! Most of you warm Mrs Bayliss’ heart daily...
9th Jun 2022
Firstly, welcome back everyone to our final Summer term.  I have been blown...
26th May 2022
On Tuesday, we celebrated Aldersgate Day.  A day dedicated to the remembrance...