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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham
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News - Beech Class

2020/2021 School Year

7th May 2021
Well done to Phoebe and Hanah for creating joy this week. Kyle was celebrated for...
26th Apr 2021
Year 2 were very excited to come back to find that we’re learning all about...
18th Mar 2021
For the build up to Easter, we have been thinking about the stories from the Bible......
12th Mar 2021
This week we have really enjoyed being back in school with our teachers and friends!...
12th Mar 2021
This week we have been remembering the skills we had learned before lockdown. Mrs...
29th Jan 2021
During this current climate, it is extremely important to look after ourselves including...
20th Jan 2021
Here is a copy of the 3rd and 4th week of home learning for our Year Two children...
11th Jan 2021
Here is a copy of the 1st and 2nd week of Home Learning for our Year Two children...
18th Dec 2020
Year 2 have created beautiful Christmas Cards for the residents of Redhill Court...
18th Dec 2020
Thank you for showing our Christian Value of Honesty this week Jasmine and Melody!