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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham
We have a limited number of places in all year groups, contact the school office for more information on 0121 675 8700
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Here at Holly Hill Church School the spirit of our culture is one built upon Christian values which prepare the children for living in harmony within society. We develop their understanding of the values of forgiveness, friendship, gentleness, honesty, joy, hope, kindness, love, patience, respect, thankfulness and tolerance. We believe the whole family is part of our school and that by working together, great things can be achieved.

Our Vision, Values and Aims

Holly Hill Church School

Our Vision, Values and Aims

Our Vision

As a Christian school our vision is to serve the families of one of Britain’s most disadvantaged areas by transforming children’s opportunities through the immersion in high quality education. Holly Hill Church School promotes a nurturing environment where every child is enabled to thrive and grow educationally, socially and spiritually. It is with the firm foundations of knowledge, pride and self-belief that our children will develop their group consciousness for the community and the wider world.

‘Life in All its Fullness’ (John 10.10) is the foundation stone for our high expectations of all our families and partners to work together to affect change from within the heart of this community. Children will be encouraged to develop strong aspirations and a desire to make a positive difference in a society faced with continual challenges that require resilience, understanding and a desire for peace.

Our Values

Our ethos is based on our 12 Christian values of hope, honesty, patience, joy, forgiveness, tolerance, thankfulness, respect, kindness, friendship, gentleness and love. It is within our Christian ethos that this vision has been developed and will be implemented.

Our Aims

  • To deliver a high quality teaching and learning experience for our pupils that promotes high standards and accelerated progress for all
  • To promote a love of education for all learners and to equip them with the tools to take ownership of their own learning
  • To promote children’s self-esteem, their rights and responsibilities
  • To create a welcoming atmosphere in school where children, staff, families and visitors feel valued
  • To have high expectations for all within our community to ensure that we demonstrate the very best standards of conduct, moral purpose and integrity
  • To work in local, national and global partnerships in order to strengthen curriculum links and promote an awareness of the wider world
  • To ensure that our pupils feel safe and secure and enjoy coming to school
  • Ensuring children remain at the heart of everything we do
  • Delivering innovative and effective teaching and learning
  • Working in partnership with other schools and agencies for the benefit of the families and the wider community
  • Providing an exciting, broad and challenging learning experience based on the needs of the children
  • Promoting a Growth Mindset culture where children have the confidence to have a go and challenge themselves as learners and learn through their mistakes
  • Promoting the confidence and engagement of families in their children’s learning and the development of good behaviour linked to moral purpose

Our Teaching and Learning

The school’s vision for teaching and learning is to become a recognised school of excellence.

What We Must Do:

  • Ensure inspirational teaching is informed by current educational research
  • Ensure all pupils achieve their own potential regardless of barriers to learning
  • Raise standards and accelerate pupil progress through quality first teaching, high quality marking and the effective use of assessment, to offer pupils clear guidance on how to improve
  • Continue to invest in the professional development of all staff
  • Have and share high aspirations

Delivered Through:

  • An exciting and inspiring curriculum with lots of opportunities for visits and visitors and hands on experiences related to real life contexts
  • Excellent teaching in a fit for purpose environment that is well resourced
  • Robust, responsive, pro-active and effective monitoring mechanisms

Supported By:

  • Excellent pastoral care
  • Effective staff development
  • High quality resources
  • Strong parental engagement
  • A supportive and highly skilled governing body
  • Astute financial management
  • Clear guidelines, policies and processes that everyone understands and follows
  • Prayer and Worship