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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Evergreen Class

Welcome to Evergreen Class

Welcome to our Year 2 class page where you can find out all the information you need to support your child’s learning. Year 2 marks the last year of KS1 and it is a fun, exciting and busy year. Your child will learn lots and will take part in the many exciting opportunities linked to our topics. We are passionate about making your child’s education exciting and we strive to plan a creative curriculum which will engage and challenge your child, whilst making them adopt a love for learning.

Year 2 is an important year for your child. As well as the children sitting their national Key Stage 1 SAT tests, they are now also the oldest children in Key Stage 1. This means that they are the children and Year group that the younger children will look towards for good behaviour and learning. We are always encouraging our Year 2 children to be the best that they can be and to be role models for the younger children in school.

Below is some information about the things your child will be taught this year. We hope you visit this page often to see the progress your children are making and see how much fun they are having.


Following the Supersonic Phonic Friends scheme, children will continue their learning by revising over all of the sounds taught throughout Year 1. To continue on from this, the children will then move onto the higher levels of phonics.

The Higher Levels of Phonics

Switch it Spell Sounds teaches children the concept that there are more than one spelling for a sound that they can hear in a word. With the help of Choose to Use Suze, they will find out all about ‘sounds the same but looks different’ and cool and not so cool choose to use spelling rules for up to 85 spellings for the 44 sounds of the English Language.

To achieve National Expectations, children must be able to apply these rules correctly whilst working independently. Children will be given spellings  to learn each week which will be tested in class.


In Year 2 the children will be working with numbers up to and beyond 100. They will learn a range of calculation strategies, both mental and written. The children will be learning their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. They will learn fractions of number and shape and will work with a number of different units of measure. They will continue to develop their knowledge of the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. The children will continually be using their reasoning skills to solve problems in a range of contexts.


This year the children will be writing coherent narratives about personal experiences and those of others. Children will be taught to how to use a range of basic punctuation correctly. They will also be taught to use past and present tense correctly and use a range of conjunctions. We have high expectations of handwriting and presentation. Children will be taught to join their letters when they are ready.


An exciting new curriculum will be introduced this year! The children will be learning about inspirational people from around the world and their achievements. They will also explore environmental and community issues and will be encouraged to become courageous advocates themselves.

We recognise that in order to be successful, our children need support from both the home and school. A strong partnership with you will make a great difference in your child’s education. If there are any problems or concerns please do not hesitate to come in and speak to us.

Thank you

Year two team

The teachers in Evergreen Class are:


Miss Friar

Teaching Assistant

Miss Wyatt

This year’s homework will consist of reading and spellings. Daily reading is expected every night. Your child will have their reading book changed two times per week. Reading is at the centre of all our learning and it has an impact on everything your child does. We want our children to become confident and fluent readers and reading at home with your child is an expectation in supporting your child’s education. Please read with your child for a short period each night encouraging them to sound out unfamiliar words and read with fluency and expression. Please take the opportunity to re-read the school reading book and ask and answer questions to improve comprehension skills. Please make a comment in your child’s reading record and return this with the reading book daily. Book bags should be in school every day.

PE will take place every Wednesday. Is essential that a full, named PE kit is in school (black shorts, white T shirt and black pumps). Those children taking part in afterschool clubs will be required to bring in a separate, suitable kit and footwear.


How to support your child read at home! Year 2



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