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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham


Welcome to Nursery! 

Our Nursery has one class and they are called Conkers.  They are led by Miss Carey (class teacher) and supported by Ms Read. Conkers Class is in school every Wednesday to Friday from 8.50am until 3.00pm

We follow the Early Years curriculum in Nursery which is designed to support children’s development. We explore this through a variety of topics and activities that are designed to develop the children’s early reading, writing and maths skills alongside helping them to understand the world around them and their place in it.

This year our topics are: 

We are all amazing

We are all storytellers

We are all adventures

We are all superheroes

We are living in an amazing world

We care for our our amazing world

Keep a lookout on our class page for news, updates and ideas on how to help your child at home! 



11th Jul 2024
This week, Nursery have had the opportunity to celebrate our wonderful year. The...
4th Jul 2024
This half term Nursery have been thinking about how important it is to care for the...
27th Jun 2024
We have had another fantastic few days in Nursery. This weeks value was 'joy' and...
20th Jun 2024
This week Nursery have enjoyed the sunnier weather and spent lots of time outside....

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