Access Keys:

Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham


We are able to admit 60 pupils to each year group.  Children are normally admitted at the beginning of the school year before their fifth birthday.  

Where the number of applications is lower than the school’s admission number, all applicants will be admitted. If there are more applications than places available, then all applications received by the Local Authority’s designated closing date for receipt of applications will be considered, together and one at a time by the Governing Body’s Admissions Committee.

This is a Christian school, supported by the Methodist Church and the Church of England, that sets out to serve the whole community.  We welcome children from all sections of the community, including those whose families attend a Christian church alongside those of other faith communities or none.

Applications for a place in Reception 2024 are to be made by completing an on-line form at:  

Applications made outside the normal admissions round (in-year admissions) should be made directly to the school.  Parent/carers can apply for a place for their child at any time and to any school.