EYFS New Starters September 2024
Welcome to the dedicated pages for all new Nursery and Reception children joining Holly Hill in September 2024. To help with a smooth transition we have created this page that holds all of the information you need for September 2024.
We do hope that you have received your letter in the post telling you about this page. Here you will find tours of the Nursery, Willow and Cedar Classrooms along with stories from the teachers for you to share with your children. You will also find our letters and information booklets that should answer all of your questions. If there is anything else that you would like to know please, get in touch via phone or email and ask for Miss Parsonage.
Tele: 0121 675 8700 Email: enquiry@hollyhill.bham.sch.uk
Receptions stay, play and learn 45 minute sessions are being held on Monday 4th March, please book your space by calling 0121 675 8700.
New Nursery parents will be contacted shortly.
See you soon
A tour of Holly Hill
Transition Documents
Willow Class Story
Mrs Hood (Willow) reading a story
Cedar Class Story
Mrs Andrews (Cedar Class) reading a story
Nursery Tour
Holly Hill Church School, New Street, Rubery, Rednal, Birmingham B45 0EU | 0121 675 8700