Access Keys:

Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham
We have a limited number of places in all year groups, contact the school office for more information on 0121 675 8700
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Sweatshirts and Cardigans with the school logo, can be purchased from Colliers or Kids Essentials in Northfield.

School Uniform consists of:                                

PURPLE:     purple and white check dresses, T-shirts, sweatshirts/sweat cardigans with official logo

                  WHITE:  shirts, blouses, T-shirts, socks, tights

                  GREY:   skirts, pinafore dresses, trousers, socks, tights

                  BLACK:  shorts, shoes

Children need to wear the appropriate clothing for PE.  This is:

A plain white T-shirt

Plain black shorts (not Bermuda shorts)

Black pumps

School sells, jumpers, cardigans, books bags and PE bags at a reduced cost - please speak to the office for prices and details.  Uniform can also be purchased from:                                                                                              

Kids Essentials                                             

762 Bristol Road South                                  



B31 2NN                                                      


Pre-loved uniform is also available from Rubery Swop Shop. 

You can contact them via email: or via facebook:  @ruberyswopshop