A Royal Banquet!
This half term, we have had a fantastic time exploring "The Jolly Postman". We have met lots of characters, and even had special visits from the witch and Cinderella!
This week, Cinderella asked us to make her fruit kebabs for her wedding party. We combined our knowledge of healthy food from science and DT to make a menu. We used lots of great adjectives and had lots of brilliant ideas.
We had to make crowns to fit in at Cinderella's party, and today we made fruit kebabs! We have been planning these kebabs for a long time and we were so excited to make them for Cinderella. Cinderella also tested our knowledge of repeating patterns for the crowns and kebabs. They were delicious and we all looked amazing!
Holly Hill Church School, New Street, Rubery, Rednal, Birmingham B45 0EU | 0121 675 8700