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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Black History Month - Beech Class

10th Oct 2024
We have been living 'Life in all its fullness' by having a super start to Black History Month in Beech Class. We chose the story of 'Coming to England' by Floella Benjamin as one of our Big Books. The author retells her experiences of moving from Trinidad to the UK as part of the 'Windrush Generation'. We loved learning about her life and hearing about her journey. When Floella Benjamin first moved to England, the people were not very welcoming and Beech class were horrified by this, which led to some thoughtful discussions about equality and tolerance. We were pleased to hear how her life settled and how she was awarded a special award by the Queen. 

We will be continuing to focus on stories from Black authors over the month and throughout the year. I have included some suggestions of stories that you might like to read at home too!