Blooming in Evergreen!
17th Apr 2024
Last term in science we have been 'Living Life In All It's Fullness' learning about plants. We explored the different parts of plants and their function. We have carried out some tests and investigations to understand the life of a bean and also investigated bulbs, finding out whether the size of the bulb has an impact upon the size of the plant it produces. Through our investigations we discovered the the size of the bulb had no impact upon the size of the plant produced! During this topic we also had to use our value of patience to observe a plant growing. Everyone planted their own bean to take home with them. We even used our drama skills to act out how a bean grows!
During summer term we will be investigating and exploring the properties of materials.
During summer term we will be investigating and exploring the properties of materials.
Holly Hill Church School, New Street, Rubery, Rednal, Birmingham B45 0EU | 0121 675 8700