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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Easter in Fir 🐣 🌲

6th Apr 2022
This week we have been learning all about the Holy Week leading up to Easter. We have considered how different people may have been feeling during the Easter event, as well as the significance of each day in Holy Week. We have learned that on Palm Sunday, Jesus arrived in Jerusalem. People were excited to meet the King and laid down palm leaves, which symbolise goodness and wellbeing. Jesus performed many miracles of healing. We wrote acrostic poems about this. On Maundy Thursday, Jesus had his Last Supper with the disciples. He commanded them to love each other as he washed their feet. Then he shared bread and wine which he said was his body and blood, and they should eat it and remember him. Jesus was then arrested after Judas betrayed him. On Good Friday, Jesus was crucified. Guards beat him and put a crown of thorns on his head. When Jesus was on the cross, the sky turned black. Jesus’ body was placed in a tomb. On Easter Sunday, Jesus was resurrected and joined God in heaven. This gave people hope for eternal life with God. We have shown our learning in lots of different ways, but our favourite was recreating scenes from the Easter event using chalk and nature on the playground. Have a wonderful Easter break, take care and keep reading!