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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham
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Evergreen news!

27th Jun 2024

This week in Evergreen class, we have been 'Living Life In All It's Fullness' on our writing skills. We have been enjoying the beautiful sunshine and were able to take some of our phonics learning outside! This week we have been practising some of our common exception words. We have also been enjoying some visual literacy lessons where we were able to walk around our classroom as either an alien or an astronaut to help us to think of some interesting verbs to describe our movements. We then used our oracy and roleplaying skills to think about the conversation between the alien and the little boy in our short clip. We were fantastic at this, and we are going to use what we have learned to write our own story of 'The Way Back Home' tomorrow in English. Evergreen class have been working extremely hard, showing perseverance and determination within their writing lessons and I am excited to read their stories when they are written!