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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Harvest Festival in Nursery

24th Oct 2024

Over the past three weeks, the children have been exploring the Harvest Festival. We have discussed it as a time to say thank you for all the food that is grown and have explored what types of food grow in the ground and on trees. To further understand the concept of growth, the children planted cress seeds and learned about the seeds' need for sunlight and water to grow. We also talked about sharing and its importance, highlighting how, during Harvest time, people donate food to help those in need.

Additionally, this week the children have been learning about autumn. They thoroughly enjoyed going on a leaf hunt and created beautiful art inspired by the story 'Leaf Man' by Lois Ehlert.

Have a look at the children ‘living life in all its fullness’ and we hope you all have a restful half term break.