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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Magnificent Maths in Beech Class

5th Dec 2024

Today, Beech Class have been enjoying 'Life in all its Fullness' with an amazing cross curricular lesson that included using some our maths skills. We have been reading 'The Christmasaurus and the Night Before Christmas' in our English lessons. Christmasaurus keeps getting himself in a real muddle and found it difficult to make gingerbread. Beech have offered to help him by writing some instructions, but first we needed to have a go ourselves. We worked well to make our gingerbread in small groups by following the instructions. 

We needed to read the weighing scales accurately to measure out 300g of flour, 100g of sugar and 50g of butter. We looked at the scales together on the IWB to work out how to read them. 

For the rest of the week we have been learning about 2D shapes. We have been identifying shapes by counting the number of sides and vertices (corners) each shape has. 

Please enjoy some pictures of our super learning!