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Holly Hill Church School, Birmingham

Phonics and spellings in Evergreen!

16th Jan 2025

This week, in Evergreen class, we have been 'Living Life In All Its Fullness' learning different spelling rules in our phonics and spelling lessons. We practice these daily and join in with the rhymes and phrases to help us to remember each of the spelling rules during our Super Sonic Phonic Friends lessons. Each morning as we enter class we have the opportunity to practice our spellings ready for our test on Friday. It is important to practice your spellings at home along with reading and ensure that you arrive on time so you don't miss opportunities for practice. During some phonics lessons we have the opportunity to write a 'sparkly sentence' using some of the words we have made. Evergreen class love this and are always hopeful to get a prize from the sparkly box if their sentence has all the correct punctuation, spelling and letter formation.